Navigating Post-Surgery: Can You Still Run After Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery?

November 22, 2023by Dr. Rosenstein

‍As an experienced runner and a recent recipient of lumbar spinal fusion, I’ve realized that understanding the procedure and its impact on my life is crucial. Lumbar spinal fusion is a surgical procedure aimed at joining, or fusing, two or more vertebrae in the lower back. The fusion of these bones is intended to prevent movement between them, reducing the pain and discomfort caused by conditions such as degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, or spinal stenosis.

The surgical process involves the use of bone grafts, usually taken from the patient’s own bone, which are placed between the vertebrae. Over time, the grafts grow and permanently fuse the vertebrae together. Metal screws and rods may also be used to provide additional stability during the healing process.

This procedure, while providing significant relief from chronic lower back pain, also brings with it changes to one’s lifestyle, especially for those of us who are avid runners. The recovery journey can be long and challenging, but with the right understanding and mindset, it’s possible to navigate post-surgery life effectively.

Understanding the post-surgery recovery process

Following lumbar spinal fusion, the initial recovery period usually necessitates a stay in the hospital for a few days. The patient’s mobility is often limited during this time, and pain medication is administered to manage discomfort. These initial days are a critical part of the healing process, as the fused vertebrae start to heal and grow together.

Once discharged, the recovery process continues at home, with activities gradually reintroduced into daily life. Light physical activity, such as walking, is encouraged as soon as it’s comfortable, while strenuous activities, including running, are typically discouraged during the early stages of recovery.

The overall recovery time varies from person to person, depending on factors like age, overall health, and the specifics of the surgery. It can take anywhere from three months to a year before a patient is fully recovered. During this period, it’s crucial to listen to your body and follow the advice of your medical team to avoid complications and promote optimal healing.

Can you run after Lumbar Spinal Fusion?

This is a question I’ve asked myself many times, and the answer, while complex, is ultimately yes – with caution and patience. Returning to running after lumbar spinal fusion is possible, but it requires an understanding of the benefits and risks, as well as a plan to safely reintroduce running into your routine.

Running, like any form of exercise, puts stress on the spine. After lumbar spinal fusion, the section of the spine that has been fused is no longer able to absorb this stress, which can be transferred to the adjacent, non-fused parts of the spine. Therefore, while the fused area may be pain-free, there’s a risk of increased wear and tear on the other parts of the spine, potentially leading to additional problems down the line.

However, it’s also important to remember that running provides significant health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, weight management, and mental well-being, which can all contribute to a successful recovery. The key is to strike a balance between maintaining these benefits and avoiding unnecessary stress on the spine.

The benefits and risks of running post-surgery

Running provides a host of benefits. It’s an effective cardio exercise that can help maintain a healthy weight, strengthen the heart, and boost mood through the release of endorphins. For those of us who have made running a part of our lifestyle, the thought of giving it up can be daunting.

However, it’s essential to weigh these benefits against the potential risks. Running places a considerable amount of stress on the spine, which can lead to increased wear and tear, particularly on the adjacent, non-fused vertebrae. This can potentially cause additional problems, including disc degeneration or herniation.

Therefore, it’s crucial to approach running post-surgery with caution. It’s not about completely eliminating the activity from your life, but rather about modifying your approach to ensure you can enjoy the benefits of running without compromising your spinal health.

How to safely return to running after Lumbar Spinal Fusion

The first step to safely returning to running after lumbar spinal fusion is to get the go-ahead from your healthcare team. This usually happens once the fusion is solid and the surrounding muscles and ligaments have healed adequately, generally around six months to a year post-surgery.

Once you have the green light, it’s important to start slow. This might mean starting with brisk walks before transitioning into a slow jog. Listen to your body throughout this process. If you feel any pain or discomfort, it’s crucial to stop and rest.

Incorporating strength training into your routine can also be beneficial. Strengthening the core and back muscles can provide additional support to your spine and help absorb some of the impact from running.

Alternatives to running after Lumbar Spinal Fusion

If running isn’t an option for you, or if you’re looking for lower-impact alternatives, there are plenty of other ways to stay active and fit. Swimming and cycling, for example, provide excellent cardiovascular workouts without the high impact on the spine that running entails. Pilates and yoga can also be excellent options, as they focus on building core strength and flexibility, which can support spinal health.

Another alternative is walking. It might not have the intensity of running, but it’s a low-impact activity that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Plus, it’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors and can be very therapeutic.

Tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle after Lumbar Spinal Fusion

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after lumbar spinal fusion goes beyond just physical activity. It also involves maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting adequate rest, and managing stress levels.

A balanced diet rich in nutrients can aid in your recovery and overall well-being. Hydration is also key, as it promotes optimal bodily function and can help manage post-surgery symptoms like constipation.

Adequate rest is another crucial aspect of a healthy lifestyle. This includes both getting a good night’s sleep and taking breaks throughout the day as needed. Remember, your body is still healing, and rest is a key part of that process.

Managing stress is equally important. Chronic stress can have a negative impact on your health and can exacerbate pain. Finding effective ways to manage stress, such as through meditation, reading, or spending time with loved ones, can significantly improve your quality of life post-surgery.

Professional guidance and rehabilitation services for post-surgery recovery

Rehabilitation services, including physical therapy, can be incredibly beneficial in the post-surgery recovery process. A physical therapist can provide a personalized exercise plan that can help strengthen your back and core muscles, improve your flexibility, and ultimately support your return to running.

Professional guidance doesn’t stop at physical therapy, though. Regular check-ins with your surgeon and medical team are crucial to monitor your healing progress and address any potential complications early on. They can provide valuable advice and reassurance, helping you navigate the recovery journey with confidence.

Personal experiences: Stories from individuals who have returned to running post-surgery

Over the years, I’ve connected with numerous individuals who have undergone lumbar spinal fusion and successfully returned to running. Their stories are varied, reflecting the unique nature of each person’s healing journey, but they all share themes of patience, perseverance, and adaptability.

One friend shared how she had to relearn her running form, focusing on engaging her core and maintaining a straight posture to minimize stress on her spine. Another spoke of the importance of listening to his body and taking rest days when needed, even if it meant missing a run. These stories serve as a reminder that while the road to recovery can be challenging, with patience and the right approach, running post-surgery is indeed possible.


Navigating post-surgery life after lumbar spinal fusion can be challenging, especially for those of us who love to run. However, with understanding, patience, and a careful approach, it’s possible to return to running. It’s all about balance – maintaining the benefits of running, while also protecting our spinal health.

Remember, everyone’s recovery journey is unique. Don’t rush the process, listen to your body, and seek professional guidance when needed. With time and patience, you can find your stride again. As always, health and wellbeing should be the priority, so make decisions that support your long-term wellness.